Man makes what through ...

Explanation to our english readers:

This is a so called "english filserbrief". A "filserbrief" is a german form of a humourous set of fictious letters from a rural guy named "Josef Filser" to a friend. As this fictious character is bad in german writing, the letters are funny and you have to think twice to understand what he wants to say. And so an "english filserbrief" is a letter by a fictious character (here called "Gisela") who is bad in english and translates word by word, prefering the wrong words to worden it, which leads to a very strange english. So in fact to understand this, you have to speak german to retranslate it from english to german. Otherwise you might only understand "railway-station", like we say in german, which means, you won't understand a word <g>

Dear Peter,

in this heavy time, where one problem the other hunts and where it overall thereunder and thereover goes, can man glad and happy be, when it a little bit to laugh gives. But that is it yes, what me sorrows makes. Over the following story laughs itself half Europe dead, thewhile you Englanders in this fall no joke understand. Your world-famous humour is you opensightly total off-hand come.

And this came so: Ihe stone of the kickoff is namely the water-closet, in all world also as WC beknown. You Englanders can with right proud be, that one of your land's people this wonderfull thing invented has - and this already in the Year of the Lord 1596. You pull the water, and it makes flushshshsh. John Harrington out Stepney was the genius, who for the water-flushing an uncomplicated liftersystem constructed, which without outrun-ventil outcomes and quite simple on the under-pressure-principle berests.

On the European Continent thereagainst, where the WC twohundred years later quasi new invented was, dominates since people's memory the water-flushing with an outrun-ventil.'Ihis system is until today in the United Kingdom forbidden. Continental producers of water-flush-boxes have not the breath of a chance on the English market. Quite clear is this a heavy sin against the European ghost und the open market - all what right is!

Otherside's must man you Englanders a bit in protection take. Through practical tests and experiments was namely outfound, that the English water-boxes much better their service do than the Continental water-boxes. You have please-nice understandness, that I you not all the details up-table. Only so much: The Continental glide-effect lets very to wish over. And this can fortrue not shit-equal be.

Your British say: One of our culturegoods is in highest danger! Alone the beforestanding import of the German toilet-bowl must a catastrophe in your eyes be. Where you British only deep-flush toilet-bowls know, have we Germans mostest flat-flush bowls. I ask you: What is better, before you the water pull - to inspect or not to inspeet? That is here the question.

May be, that for this problem-fall a compromise in sight is. But how man so hears, remains your Director of the BBC (British Bathroom Council) absolute hard in the question for the water-box: "We in England had already perfect water-closets, when the Continental brothers and sisters still on their thunder-balks and plop-latrines sat. Why shall we a minderworthy system into our land let?" No wonder, that him the laugh forgone is.

Me would interest, by the way: Gives it also regulations for the toilet-glasses?

Man makes what through.

Your true Gisela
